Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Day

I opened my eyes in the morning 
The snow was outside the window 
My heart is fluttering excitement
The Christmas day that I’ve always waited for
The feeling of untying the ribbon of a present
I get excited like a kid 
just like those days. 

The Christmas Day. 
New year. New hope. New me. 

Metaphor Poem

Life is a plate.
It may rich with foods;

Or it remains empty.

Free Poem

A sweet girl
sitting on a seasoned bench
with crossed-legs.

Her black sparkling eyes
chasing the white
innocent birds
invading the grey dark sky.

Her pinkish lips
smiled plainly;

She looked down
with a fragile heart,
Her tears drop.
Touch the bare ground.

Enough young man.
The game is over. 

Frightening Story

The dead tree branches cracked as I hastily walked in the dark woods. I was about to avoid the main road as I have been chased by the serial killer. I had no idea what’s happening at that time. Suddenly, my car was depleted of oil and that’s why I stranded in the woods. It was heavily raining at midnight. I ran as quickly as I could even though I was shivering.
In the middle of the woods, I found an old dirty house. I stepped into that house slowly. It seems like this house has been left for quite a long time. Everything inside the house was in a mess. I walked to the master bedroom, with the hope that I could find some pieces of cloths so that I can cover myself from the coldness. As I walked in the bedroom, I fell into a tunnel. It was deep and dark. I got shocked and surprised. My body was full with aches. It was quite painful.
I tried hard to crawl as I was so exhausted till I saw bright lights at the corner. Along the way to that corner, I found several jars with rotten head skull and few internal organs such as heart, liver, kidneys et cetera. I was completely nervous. “Where am I?” I shouted. “Where am I?” I shouted even louder. I was going to cry.
Suddenly, a group of people came and surrounded me. Some of them were holding knives. Few were pulling me. They put me on a box that looks like a coffin. I was lying there with mingled feelings all over me. I was definitely anxious and blank. “I’m going to die!” I shouted internally. That group was walking around me while reading unfamiliar chants. They have done something like worshipping ritual. I was shivering and peeing in my pants.
After they finished their weird ritual, one of the people from that group came to me closely with a very bright smile. It was so psychic. As I tried to talk a word, that particular guy put the knife on my chest and cut it slowly. The others were excitingly surrounded me. They sucked my bloods just like I was drinking fresh orange juice. I felt that they guy cut my left hand. They were enjoying eating my fingers like I was licking KFC and I could not remember what happened next.
Suddenly, I heard my mom’s voice was calling out my name loudly. Even louder. I opened my eyes and I am surprised that I was lying on the ground near to my grandpa’s dusun. My mom asked me to get up and she kept nagging me while walking into the house. I was breathing deeply and felt relieved. Fortunately, it was just a nightmare. I am indeed a horrendous sleepwalker ever.

Car Park Mystery

I entered the car park and then all of a sudden, the lights went off. I was shocked. “Oh My God! What happened?” Immediately, I picked my hand phone but there was no coverage at all. I used the flashlights from my smart phone. I started to walk around the car park. Unfortunately, after few minutes walking, my hand phone’s battery was running out. I was scared. “Is there anybody here?” I shouted. “Hello! Answer me. Does anyone here?” I shouted even louder. I walked slowly, trying to reach the area where I parked my car. I could not see anything as it was too dark. “Ouch!” My knees got hurt. I was hitting something. It looks like steels. I do not know. I continued walking, slowly. The car park was very quiet. I could hear the wind softly breezing. It gives me that strange feeling. I was a bit frightened. I feel like I want to pee. I walked as fast as I could. I do not know where I was going. I could not find my car. I was freaked out. I was about to cry. Sweats were all over my faces. I gave up. I was sitting behind a car. I was clueless. “What should I do?”, “Where should I go?”. Suddenly, I saw lights from one corner. I wiped my sweats on the forehead. I was running as fast as I could to those lights. My steps were hesitated to continue running as I saw few ugly weird zombies were walking towards me. “Arghhhh!” I was shouting and running as quick as I could. “Bloop bloop bloop”. Smelly. I touched my head. There were a used baby diapers and few plastic bags. I was very wet. I did not realize that I was running into a small drain, outside of the car park. 

Diamonds Poems

Hungry, Pathetic
Starving, Suffering, Dying
Food, Shelter, Money, Health care
Feeding, Blessing, Surviving
Full, Fortunate

Handsome, Kind
Gossiping, Stalking, Adoring
Love letter, Hope, Smile, Relationship
Chatting, Sharing, Dating
Charming, Loving

Bright, Warm
Swimming, Surfing, Skateboarding
Beach, Picnics, Vacation, Family
Skiing, Ice Skating, Snow ball fighting
Dim, Cold

Cute, Adorable,
Crawling, Crying, Sleeping
Smile, Tears, Laughter, Joke
Playing, Teasing, Running
Annoying, Witty


My mum
Is so caring
She is understanding
She is so beautiful and kind
Love you.


I heart the Autumn
The fall of maple leaves
Calming and soothing.

My heart is pounding
When I see your charming smile
Stop attack my heart!  

The cloudy grey sky

Walking silently from sun
To wet the spoiled Earth. 


A Adorable
I  Innocent
N Neat
A  Angel 

J        Jovial
U       Understanding
L        Lively
I         Independent
A       Accomplice

Sense Poem

When I think of a watermelon,
I can see the growing melons in clumps on a mound,
I can smell the sweetness and ripeness of its flesh,
I can feel the mouth-watering of fresh melons,
I can taste the juicy chilly melons flowing my throat,

Oh melon, such a real thirst quencher during summertime. 

I am old enough...

I am old enough to speak,
I am young enough to listen. 

Hello... Goodbye...

Hello angels

Goodbye devils. 

Hello skinny 

Goodbye obesity

Hello justice 

Goodbye prejudice

I Wish...

I wish I was a famous artist
I wish I had millions magnificent artworks
I wish I could own a glamorous gallery
Unfortunately, I am even failed to draw a perfect straight line. 

I wish I was a cute Doraemon
I wish I had a magical door
I wish I could travel anywhere in a blink of eyes
But all I have is just a Doraemon blanket,
that covers me from coldness and brings me to dreamland. 

I wish I was a panda

I wish I had chubby cheeks

I wish I could be fluffy

But all I have is a panda’s eye-bag.