Thursday, January 2, 2014

Frightening Story

The dead tree branches cracked as I hastily walked in the dark woods. I was about to avoid the main road as I have been chased by the serial killer. I had no idea what’s happening at that time. Suddenly, my car was depleted of oil and that’s why I stranded in the woods. It was heavily raining at midnight. I ran as quickly as I could even though I was shivering.
In the middle of the woods, I found an old dirty house. I stepped into that house slowly. It seems like this house has been left for quite a long time. Everything inside the house was in a mess. I walked to the master bedroom, with the hope that I could find some pieces of cloths so that I can cover myself from the coldness. As I walked in the bedroom, I fell into a tunnel. It was deep and dark. I got shocked and surprised. My body was full with aches. It was quite painful.
I tried hard to crawl as I was so exhausted till I saw bright lights at the corner. Along the way to that corner, I found several jars with rotten head skull and few internal organs such as heart, liver, kidneys et cetera. I was completely nervous. “Where am I?” I shouted. “Where am I?” I shouted even louder. I was going to cry.
Suddenly, a group of people came and surrounded me. Some of them were holding knives. Few were pulling me. They put me on a box that looks like a coffin. I was lying there with mingled feelings all over me. I was definitely anxious and blank. “I’m going to die!” I shouted internally. That group was walking around me while reading unfamiliar chants. They have done something like worshipping ritual. I was shivering and peeing in my pants.
After they finished their weird ritual, one of the people from that group came to me closely with a very bright smile. It was so psychic. As I tried to talk a word, that particular guy put the knife on my chest and cut it slowly. The others were excitingly surrounded me. They sucked my bloods just like I was drinking fresh orange juice. I felt that they guy cut my left hand. They were enjoying eating my fingers like I was licking KFC and I could not remember what happened next.
Suddenly, I heard my mom’s voice was calling out my name loudly. Even louder. I opened my eyes and I am surprised that I was lying on the ground near to my grandpa’s dusun. My mom asked me to get up and she kept nagging me while walking into the house. I was breathing deeply and felt relieved. Fortunately, it was just a nightmare. I am indeed a horrendous sleepwalker ever.

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